Update Address Information

 Hi Friends,

Actually, we have written this post for our lovely Youtube Subscriber ❤️.

You are at the right place, to get your problem solved as we have shown at the TITLE OF THE POST.

Many of our subscribers have got an error like " Update Address Information " :)

DON'T WORRY 😘 (●'◡'●)

As we are going to solve this problem step-wise, If you don't understand or got any error that I have done you can simply leave us your sweet comment, and those who haven't got an error and solved their problem can also leave us their lovely and helpful  comment for us:

So, Without wasting time :

Let's, Get Started :-



  • Step 1: Simply click on " Google PlayStore "
  • Step 2: Click on " Profile Icon "
  • Step 3: Click on " Payments and Subscriptions "
  • Step 4: Click on " Payment Method "
  • Step 5 Click on " Update "
You will be shown an Image like this:

Add a Pyament Method

Here, You will see a Box like the one shown above named  " Update name and address "
  • Step 6: Click on " Zip Code "
  • Step 7: Fill in the Zip Code According to your Place or Country Zip Code or Postal Code.
  • Step 8: After filling in the Zip Code, Simply click on " Confirm " to submit the request.

Congrats, Your Problem" Update Name, and Address " has been solved :) .

If you liked our method of Explaining or solving problems, Please leave us your lovely comments for Us 😊.
If you have got an error while solving the problem then you can directly contact Us on 
  1. Facebook Page
  2. Instagram 

********************************* *THANK YOU ************************************

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